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  1. 微纳米力学实验:原位微纳米力学实验技术;X-ray、扫描/透射电镜等材料表征设备操作经验;超净间MEMS微纳加工经验等。

  2. 先进材料制备和表征:具有一维、二维材料,单晶、多晶和非晶合金,有机高分子,纤维增强复合材料等的合成、制备和表征经验。

  3. 多尺度模拟:具有利用有限元、粗晶(coarse-grained)模型、分子动力学或第一性原理计算方法对一维纳米线,二维材料,单晶、多晶和非晶金属或有机高分子等材料的微观变形、疲劳或断裂机理的研究基础。

Multiple Postdoc Positions available

Department of Mechanics and Engineering Science at Peking University has postdoc openings for graduates with Ph.D. degrees in Applied Physics, Chemical Engineering, Materials Science, and Mechanical Engineering:

Research Area #1: Multiscale modeling and simulations: experiences in simulations of material systems including 1D or 2D materials, fiber-reinforced composites, nanocrystalline metals, metallic glass, polymers and so on. using FEM, coarse-grained simulations, Molecular Dynamics, and Density Functional Theory.

Research Area #2: Material synthesis and nanomechanical characterization: experiences in synthesis or characterization of mechanical properties of material systems including 1D or 2D materials, nanocrystalline metallic films, metallic glass, fiber-reinforced composites, etc. 



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